sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

The Rules of Engagement (Berlinale Talent Campus)

Estos son otros videos que tomé en la Berlinale (perdonen la calidad, pero por lo menos se oye ;->). Se trata del escritor y guonista sueco Henning Mankell y del director brasileño José Padilha (Tropa Élite).

Henning Mankell

José Padilha

Algunas citas de esta presentación:

Henning Mankell:
"With internet the world has not grown smaller, but bigger. Throug technology, one has the oportunity to see how big the world is."
"As long as at least one person is not free, no one is really free"
"Pasivity is not an option. Activity schould be the only option"

José Padilha
"Any director who haven't been depressed after the first cut is lying"
"If you filmed your movie stoned, you have to cut it stoned"
"Film is a collective art. Film does't have an author"

Kerry Fox
"You have to take risks. Is the only way to move"
"The most important thing to make a film is to have a good team"

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